Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I worked at a cancer center for 3 years. It was there that I made friends of all ages, it was there that I said goodbye to so many important people. When I say important, I don't mean someone with lots of money, I don't mean a VP of a big company! When I say important, I mean someone with  a good heart, and a beautiful soul. So many people walked in that door for hope, a promise of a new tomorrow, and yet, others walked in that door not knowing that  they were so close to entering heavens door. Do I believe in heaven or hell? Well, I will say yes, because I don't think one can exist without the other. I would like to think my friends are in an important or better place than we are. Were they scared? Yes, they were scared as hell! They were more scared to leave us here, rather than being scared of the unknown. The ones that have passed, I will remember them always..........they have taught me so much about life! The ones that I just so happen to see every-now-and-then, their smile just lights up a room when we see one another. Right now I'd like to believe that I can make my life my heaven or hell. Right now I'm living in heaven....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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