Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Little Southern Bell

My little girl is turning into a little Southern Bell and doesn't mind wearing the pretty dresses and pretty shoes. Yet, she still knows how to get her feet full of mud and her hair tangled in knots. Instead of running after her, I run with her . Instead of telling her no, I tell her yes you can :) She's all about sucking the bone marrow out of life before it sucks her up first. She's all about having fun when others are not. She's in her own little world, in her own place in time , a time we'd all like to be in just for a moment. She kisses and hugs with kindness , yet at the same time, she will let you know what's on her mind :) She loves the rain, and loves playing in the rain, but what kid does not? I hope as she grows , she won't mind the mud, the rain, and a couple of knots in her hair. I hope she continues to suck the bone marrow out of life, but gives in return . I hope my little Southern Bell  is happy in everything she will do in life. Love you Ady.

Your Best Buddy,


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Goodbye feels a little more like hello

     Imagining life without someone is hard , then it happens......" The Final Goodbye"  :(  In one blink of an eye, goodbye's are said, eyes close, and one last breath is taken. In that very moment we forget about who we are , where we are, and where we are going. Why does it have to hurt? Why does the pain have to last so long? Why can't we see that precious face again? As humans, we want every single moment to be perfect. If we could capture that perfect moment and freeze it  forever in time . If we could hold the person we love , ...."ALWAYS ".  If we could just see them smile one last time, so we could smile back in return. If we could say  "I love you so much" and hear it in return one more time :)  " If" is such a big word isn't  it?
     Now, the table is turned. Our loved one has said goodbye, eyes close, one last breath is taken. He or she is pain free, the soul is full, full of the  love that has been gathered all throughout life, full of moments and memories, full of pretty faces and smiles .  Now, life seems so much easier. Goodbye feels a little more like hello.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The last school dismissal bell of the season rings and you can hear the hustle and bustle of little feet running for their bus, and every now and then you can hear "goodbye's" and "see you over the summer" ! The buses depart while the little ones are waving goodbye and have a grin from ear to ear across their tiny little faces :) Some children will go on many adventures and vacations, while others will enjoy the comfort of their own home, and last but not least, others will have to suffer thru the heat b/c the only source of A/C was in their classroom :( , and the only food for the day was the free-meal plan at school. I'd like to think that most children's summers were like mine which included long summer days of riding bikes, playing hide-n-seek, swimming at the local swimming club, swim team, swim competition, camping, picking black berries, going to a fun sleep over at a friend's house , swimming in the lake, or just hanging out ! Enjoy the summer with your kids, and thank God every day for the little things in life that makes each summer day a little sweeter :) Instead of bitching about the heat and the entergy bill, remember that you have a nice pool to cool off in, and  an A/C to keep you cool at night! Instead of bitching about the leftovers, remember that you still have the money to buy food for your kids! Life can be so simple ..............just sit back and remember your summers when you were a kid, and introduce your child into that simple life again :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sitting on the throne

The door is locked and here comes one knock and a little voice , "mommy get off the toilet I need to get something"! Here comes another voice screaming, " mom, can you bring me to the store"! Here comes another voice,  "mom, I want chocolate milk" !!! The easiest thing in my life was once to sit on the throne , but now has turned into a challenging daily activity! Not only is it challenging, but you gotta love it when the 7 year old answers the phone and tells the other person on the line that "mom is on the toilet" !  Yes, person on the other end of the line, I am on the throne and I really don't feel like talking to you or the little monsters trying to beat the door down for chocolate milk or other necessities! Mommy wants to be queen of the throne just for one minute !!!!! Last but not least, when I think that the banging on the door, the screaming for chocolate milk, the announcement of mom sitting on the throne to the unknown caller, and the need to go to the store is quite bad, I'm simply told by my seven year old that my "poop stinks"! Well, I hate to tell you little fellow, " yours does too" ! So, next time you are sitting on the throne , just remember that you are not alone! lol!