Monday, July 27, 2009

Are there big fish out there?

Yes, the big fish are out there! Cast that line far out there and catch that fish! Take in the scenery and bottle it up inside! Cast your net and pull it in! Dream big dreams!

Where are you going?

Where are you going little ones? Are you trying to find a treasure? Will you find that message in a bottle and all of the answers of life will be bottled up inside? Are you going to catch that shooting star? Are you just getting your feet wet to see what's in store for you? Wherever you go my little ones, my heart will always be with you! I love you!


Superman! The nickname came about you in a funny way, but the funniest thing in the world was when Ethan asked you "daddy , are you really superman"? Yes, Ethan, your daddy is really Superman, and he will always look after you all and make sure you are safe as long as he is alive! 


You once said you wanted to swim around like a wormaide(mermaid)! All you would ask about is how mermaids swim, are they real, do they have magical powers? Ethan, you can have all the magical powers in the world, you can swim as fast as your heart desires! Just believe in yourself and who you are! Love you! Keep imagining and loving yourself and life!

The pretty one!

In life we have the smart ones, the cute ones, the rare ones, the less intelligent ones, the handsome ones....i know you're a boy, but you are the pretty one!

I hope we can take love with us!

The love we have, I hope we can take it with us! Can we bottle it up and put a cap on it? Can we wrap it in a present? Can we Jar it? No, the love we have is inside within our's that rare kind of love...the love that comes along once in a lifetime..........I hope you can find the same my little ones....choose wisely!

Granny and her babies!

This picture states a thousand words........there is nothing more than a granny with her babies!

me being me!


Feel the sunlight on your face and the water beneath your feet little one! Imagine what tomorrow brings as twilight is setting in! The world has so much in store for you and you have so much to give the world! Keep craving that sunlight and dream big!