LIfe is a treasure! We are constantly finding something about ourselves or the people around us! Each one of us is a gift or a moment waiting to be opened or unfolded! Come in and see my little treasures, come in and see what unfolds! This is my life!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Ahhh, the day to give thanks, fill our stomachs with so much food and sweets, drink lots of alcohol, and enjoy time with family! So, why do we wait for this big day of the year to gather around a table and stuff our face with dishes that are our favorites? Why do we wait so long to gather with the ones that we love? Yes, it is a day to give thanks, but we should be giving thanks on a daily basis and remind the person next to us that he or she means the world to us! I know that God has blessed me with a wonderful husband, children, pets, friends, and family, and everyday I thank him in my very own way! Enjoy your day of Thanksgiving guys, but remember to give back in life a little because some out there don't have the luxuries we have on a daily basis! Thanks God for your many blessings!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Today is Veteran's day and it is a day to never forget! Just remember kids that their are so many that have fought for our freedom and continue to fight for what they believe in! When you see the colors red white and blue, you should think of our flag, and behind our flag stands some ones dad, brother, sister, brother-n-law, sister-n-law, mom etc.......These are the people that have made our lives complete, given us that safety blanket, given us our freedom. Freedom is just another word to you right now! You don't know what freedom is guys until it is taken away! Next time you see someone in uniform be proud of them! Next time you are at a cemetery, remember that a loved one is buried there! Next time you curse at the T.V. about a war that is going on, remember that it is some ones belief to be there! Next time the national anthem is being sung at a football game, have respect and be quiet for a minute and just listen! Remember to raise your flag as high as you can and wave it proudly because you are an American...............Be proud of our Veterans guys!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
This Little Girl of Mine!
She's that happy little girl with a pink painted face! She has so much on her mind and can't stay in one place! She's laughter and joy, and everything we want to be! She's princess for a day, then the muddy little kid that must stay out and play! Energy she has , and wheels on her feet! She is fast as lightening and has a marathon to complete! She is Adyson Claire and what else can I say..................AWE........................."This Girl Of Mine!"

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